Thursday, September 24, 2009

Law & Order: Sloppy Writing Unit

Last night, on a lark, I checked out the season premiere of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, now starting its 11th season.

I think it should also be its LAST season, based on the seriously sloppy writing in evidence, your honor.

A woman is raped and our heroes Benson and Hedges (because Stabler is always so angry he's smokin') think the rapist may have scoped out the victim while she was shopping at a local grocery store. They go there and find the store only has a fake camera mounted on the wall, but the store owner suggests the detectives go over to the guy across the street who's "into" surveillance. They go over there and it looks like CTU headquarters with the footage of multiple cameras thrown up on a bunch of screens. And that's not all: the guy who's doing the surveillance is an autistic savant, so he's not only able to remember after seeing a photo if you stepped in front of one of his cameras, as Benson did one morning 5 years ago, but he can recall the exact day and time.

That's when I jumped out of my seat and screamed BULLSHIT!

How fucking lazy is that writing? SVU or one of it's 247 L&O cousins has already done the bit where if one building's camera didn't record something, the camera across the street or on the traffic signal did. So now not only do they have CTU Boy playing spy satellite, but he's fucking RAINMAN with instant recall. Way to just invent shit up so you can quickly go on to the next scene.

Hey, NBC, here's your next Law & Order spin-off: Law & Order: Autistic Detection Squad where we follow a cranky, autistic savant "special detective" (think Hugh Laurie's House mixed with Dustin Hoffman's uber-genius) as he solves crimes and freaks out when his laces aren't tied four times, that's four times. Four times. Yeah, four times.


  1. Um, did you read the manuscript for my novel "Invasive Thoughts" where we follow a cranky, autistic savant "special detective" (think Hugh Laurie's House mixed with Dustin Hoffman's uber-genius) as he solves crimes and freaks out when his laces aren't tied four times, that's four times. Four times. Yeah, four times.
    That describes my main character.

  2. No, I've never read your manuscript. But you know what they say, Great minds think alike.
