Sunday, April 26, 2009

Can you make a origami unicorn?

Yesterday, I had the need to ride the Los Angeles subway system (the Metro) to keep from running afoul of the damn dirty apes, assorted mutant-types and radioactive monsters that roam the surface world here. In a first for me, I took the Red Line all the way to Union Station downtown.

Union Station's cavernous interior was used as the police station in the uber-classic Blade Runner. Just imagine this huge space filled with smoke and M. Emmett Walsh. Further pretend those folks in the pic are all replicants!

Some time soon I gotta check out the Bradbury Building downtown, another famous local Blade Runner location.

Photo taken from Wikipedia. Copyright its respective owner.

1 comment:

  1. Just imagine this huge space filled with smoke and M. Emmett Walsh

    Yes, filled with M. Emmett Walsh.

    Wait for me before you go to the Bradbury Building - always wanted to see that.
