Monday, April 13, 2009

Charlie...Brown? No, X. But Still A Blockhead.

Well, looks like KTLA has pulled Star Trek from their schedule. I guess there weren't enough people watching it Mondays at 4 IN THE F---ING MORNING!

Anyhoo, here's some "Charlie X" fumetti for the heck of it. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Star Trek is Copyright 2009 and a Registered Trademark of CBS Studios, Inc. No infringement of those rights is implied.
Muppets character Janice is Copyright 2009 and a Trademark of Walt Disney Company. No infringement of those rights is implied.

Thanks to for the Star Trek screencaps.

1 comment:

  1. Best:


    "opera" (very clever)

    Most disturbing:

    Dance party

    Always good to see the Gorn - happy to know they shit upside down.
