This is your semi-monthly Bigfoot update.
Bigfoot has not been clearly sighted anywhere. We repeat, Bigfoot has not been clearly sighted anywhere.
No one who knows how to properly use a camcorder, digital or film camera, or iPhone camera has captured in a clear, in focus, non-shaky photograph or moving image a picture of the legendary Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, Yeti (in snowy climes), the Wild Man, Skunk Ape, and Hairy Houdini.
Apparently the people who take blurry out-of-focus Bigfoot pictures take all their photography lessons from the same place that teaches the UFO folks to take their blurry snaps.
Once again, Bigfoot has not been clearly sighted anywhere.
We return you now to your non-Bigfoot-filled lives.
Star Trek Copyright 2010 and a Registered Trademark of CBS Studios, Inc. No infringement of those rights is intended. Screencap from Trekcore.com.
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