Thursday, April 25, 2013

Greatest Hits Collection

Screencap hijinks from previous reviews of Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS).

STAR TREK is a Registered Trademark and Copyright 2013 by CBS Studios, Inc. No infringement of those rights is intended with this parody.  Screencaps from TREKCORE.COM.Why is there not a Star Trek-themed flavor of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, I mean, rilly?  Something like Orion Slave Girl Green Mint.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Trailer of Steel

The Playlist at has the latest trailer for Man of Steel, the highly anticipated new Superman movie.

I think this looks really good, giving us more of a glimpse of the story of Clark Kent finding his place in our world.  I like Kevin Costner's scenes so far in his role as Jonathan Kent, Clark's human father.  A minor quibble with the trailer is the action scenes looked like they were cut together in a blender.  I hope the sequences in the actual film are much easier on the eyes, more the Steven Spielberg/James Cameron school of action set piece choreography and editing that you can follow, rather than the Michael Bay approach of totally confusing and disorienting action scenes.

Superman should be an inspirational character; he does not solve all our problems but leads by example.  We need him now more than ever.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Apes, Overlords, Ringworlds and The Great Gulf Between The Haves And Have Nots

AintItCool has quite a few interesting news items posted.

The latest big screen version of Tarzan, with Harry Potter film veteran David Yates slated as director, has been put "on hold."  Sad news indeed, as just last year marked the 100th anniversary of the first publication of the seminal pulp story "Tarzan of the Apes."  I wonder if they will ever be able to put on screen images that capture the wonder and awe of some of those great illustrated covers to the many Tarzan novels and comics, featuring the work of such luminaries as, for example, Neal Adams and Joe Jusko

Director Neil Blomkamp's upcoming Elysium finally gets a trailer.  Just as with his District 9, this new film looks to be visually amazing, with a timely and thought-provoking story.  Maybe this movie can get the utterly stupid Meet Dave out of my brain.

And SyFy is stepping up the SciFi with two planned mini-series of classic science fiction tales from two of the greats: Ringworld by Larry Niven and Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke.  Holy cow!  This is truly amazing as SyFy has always seemed to shun classic scifi material, especially with their longstanding deal with The Asylum to air that "mockbuster" studio's crapload of ripoffs of big budget studio summer fare such as Transmorphers (to ape Transformers), Alien Origin (Prometheus) and American Warship (Battleship). 

True, SyFy did have the foresight to give the greenlight to Ronald D. Moore's reworked Battlestar Galactica, for which we will be eternally grateful, and therefore, give SyFy some serious wiggle room.  But I have never liked SyFy's fantasy miniseries, such as Tin Man.  They felt to me as simply "TV fare" and not very good TV fare at that, never breaking out of that mold with truly interesting characters, or amazing turns by actors, or with compelling stories.