Saturday, August 20, 2016

Hanging With Spider-Man

Teaser poster for 2017's Spidey reboot, done under the successful creative leadership of Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

A Song to Combat The "Heat Wave "

This has NOTHING to do with science fiction, Star Trek, Star Wars, comic books, or anything like that.

But it's hot in Los Angeles. Damn hot.

So, here is the classic song "Heat Wave" as sung by the incredible Joan Osborne. She kills it. (For extra fun, the original poster WestLAGuy included the 1960s version by Martha and The Vandellas immediately following Joan's version.)

Copyright 2016 the Respective Rights Owners. No infringement of those rights or the original YouTube poster's rights is intended.

The Music From U.N.C.L.E.

Good grief but there have been so many mediocre big screen movies of late. Every summer seems to be filled with so many turds.

Last year though, there was a gem among the duds in the form of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Director Guy Ritchie and company created a breezy, bouncy, comic action movie, with a solid main cast in Henry Cavill (Solo), Armie Hammer (Kuryakin), and Alicia Vikander (Gaby). I enjoyed the chemistry between these three leads and would very much like to see another adventure. Perhaps the home video and foreign returns will warrant a U.N.C.L.E. sequel. We can only H.O.P.E.

In the meanwhile, here is a great energetic music piece by composer Daniel Pemberton.

Robots Got Talent - Dancing Robots Prove It

I like robots.

You like robots.

Who doesn't like robots?

Well, how about 1,007 tiny robots. All dancing in unison. (originally found on Gizmodo)